Author: Shivam Maurya

What is IRDAI Compliance? Guidelines for the Insurer.

Adherence to regulatory standards constitutes the corner stone of an sensitive interplay of the various yield factors in insurance business. The maiden body of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) makes sure that the insurance sector is free from any existing challenges or risks. Here’s a concise overview of IRDAI compliance for

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What is a System Audit Report (SAR)? – A Brief Guide

The insurance sphere needs to have a very serious approach to retain top-notch systems and procedures in order to guarantee effectiveness, safety and regulatory acceptability. Here’s a brief guide to understanding SAR for insurers: 1. What is a System Audit Report (SAR)? The System Audit Report (SAR) shall entail a thorough scrutiny of an insurance

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CVSS v3 vs.CVSS v4: Key Differences

This is the scoring system that assigns rankings to cybersecurity vulnerabilities in terms of their severity. While CVSS v3 has had industry leadership for years, it did not take long before CVSS v4 came into being as an attempt to fill in some of the gaps left in version one. Expanded Metrics CVSS v4 provides

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Achieving PCI DSS Compliance: A Guide to the Top 12 Essential Requirements

Worldwide, payment card security is a matter of top priority and being able to keep data safe from cardholders is a topical issue.Essential InfoSec emphasizes the importance of adhering to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) to safeguard sensitive information. The compliance includes, first understating and secondly, implementing the top 12 essential

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Understanding What Makes Web Applications Vulnerable

Web apps are one of the fine examples of novel technology invention that has had a great impact on our society, especially on our lives, simplifying some things and make them efficient.They also present various vulnerabilities being exposed to actors who aim to exploit loopholes and compromise security and put data of unsuspecting users in

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A SOC 2 Compliance will be needed to achieve this.

SOC 2 compliance is very important for companies who take care of the sensitive customers information. This is a way for companies to show their customers that they are committed to data security and responsible data privacy. The company provides holistic tips and support to assist in the SOC2 compliance that the organization should achieve

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Exploring Various VAPT Services

Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) services turn very important in the protection of businesses from cyberfaces. By the way of their vulnerability of the systems and networks, organization can make some preventive measures to increase their security level of the information resources. The range of VAPT services provided by EIS begins with a customized

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Unseen Costs of Ignoring Cyber Security for Small Business

A lot of small businesses are underestimating the height of cybersecurity, as they are blind to the hidden costs that might arise from their networks violation. Inattention to cyber security can cause a severe damage to the duration of a small business success and living in the end. Meanwhile, Essential InfoSec is committed to assisting

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Safeguarding Digital Frontiers: A Proactive Approach

The digital area is in constant movement, and the clouds of cyber threats are coming along with it, lying shadowy on every virtual territory this menace takes over. Nevertheless, our resolve can be upheld by taking proactively approach to the problem and by implementing strict security measures which should help us in standing up against

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Software Testing: Unlocking Secure Digital Solutions

The software testing is often conducted at a time when so many systems are connected around the world to guarantee the robustness and the security of these systems. With the rapid development of technologies, nowadays there is a need for considerable testing techniques because these techniques can tell about vulnerabilities and how they can neutralize

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