Author: Shivam Maurya

Cybersecurity Insights: Staying Vigilant in the Digital Era

The virtual web on which we live in the digital age is not merely a matrix of wires and packets of information but it also contains an army of hackers, cyber criminals and people with malicious intent. These elements are present and they are trying their best in one way or another to cause mayhem.

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Securing E-Commerce Applications: Preventing Cyberattacks

Digital revolution of the age offered e-commerce apps an opportunity that they needed for prevailing in the market place. Although, such applications are usually protected by cyber security measures, hackers can easily exploit some of vulnerabilities to break through the security system. That is so e-commerce actions to be safeguarded and personal data to be

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5 Emerging Cyber Threats to Watch Out for in 2024

Since cyber space is a constantly changing nature, cyber criminals also make changes to their approach and skills. In a business world in which technology keeps changing at a dizzying pace, being on the cutting edge is an indispensable quality.  Here are five emerging cyber threats to keep an eye on in the coming year:

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Safeguarding Your Digital Presence: Core Steps for Businesses

In the current times, companies can least afford to ignore cyber security as an essential part of their business. Due to the fact that the devices that are connected to the Internet represent a great danger, it is necessary to build a strong security system ensuring your important information is safe, your assets stay intact

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Unveiling Digital Supply Chain Redemption

These days, businesses are having to totally rethink how they move products from A to B. The old ways of shipping and logistics just aren’t cutting it anymore. That’s why we’re seeing a major “Shipping System Upgrade” happening using all the latest tech tools.  This Upgrade isn’t just some small tweak to current processes. It’s

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Understanding Root Cause Analysis in Cyber Security

Nowadays, cyber security is one of the major issues which is everywhere. It is not just the cases that hackers can do easily to get access to the system, but why and how they do it is much more important. Root cause analysis is a systematic technique proposed for providing the profound basis of the

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Making Banks Safer from Hackers, G20 security drills

The internet connects everything these days, even banks and money stuff. This makes banks an easy target for bad people called hackers who try to break in and steal money or data through computers.  To help guard against these hackers, the group of 20 big countries called the G20 is running a big practice called

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Making Banks Safer from Hackers, G20 security drills

The internet connects everything these days, even banks and money stuff. This makes banks an easy target for bad people called hackers who try to break in and steal money or data through computers.  To help guard against these hackers, the group of 20 big countries called the G20 is running a big practice called

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Secure Your Accounts: Reset Your Passwords Now!

In the highly dynamic cyber security environment, we should devote our efforts to the continual enhancing of the cyber defences and stay ahead of the cybersecurity challenges. However, the systems have been hacked, and we hence notify all users to reset their passwords without delay. Finding yourself as a victim of data theft is not

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The Ivanti Vulnerability and CISA’s Breach: A Wake-Up Call

The recent cybersecurity breach in CISA Cyber security and Infrastructure Security Agency amplifies the unawareness of even the most covered entities on safety and security measures. Ivanti was a crucial factor in the breach, according to the results. This emphasises the role of software and systems security like ensuring that they are kept up-to-date. Understanding

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