Ransomware Attacks: Ways to Identify and Respond

Ransomware Attacks: Ways to Identify and Respond

In the modern digital world, cyberattacks or ransomware attacks are the most threatening aspects that can affect an individual or an organization by stealing their information for self-benefit. It has been observed that in recent times, ransomware attacks have been considered as an advanced form of cyber attack. It poses the biggest threat to the security team globally. It is mainly a form of malware that is responsible for blocking or limiting data accessibility until it is available in a paid version. To protect your data from cyber threats, Essential Infosec may aid you in dealing with such issues. This blog will present you some suggestive methods to identify and respond ransomware attacks encountered by your devices.

The concept of ransomware and its growth across the globe

It has been found that ransomware is a specific type of malware. It primarily prevents users from accessing their data and devices, by encrypting various files. Moreover, using this particular malware cyber criminals can leak data which they had stolen from various confidential data.

  • From a global context report, it has been found that since 2020, over 130 ransomware strains have been detected.
  • It has been also observed that ransomware is a part of 10% of cybersecurity breaches.
  • From another report, it has been also found that around 37% of global businesses declared that they were the victim of ransomware attacks.

Examples of ransomware attack

Basically, there are different examples of ransomware attacks are existing in the global context. It can affect business on a large scale. Some of the examples of ransomware attacks are presented in the below section. 

  • CryptoLocker: It was one of the most effective types of ransomware attack which first appeared in 2013. This malware is generally, used to spread via spam email which consists of malicious attacks such as fake invoices.
  • Locky: It is another strong ransomware which appeared between the years 2016 and 2017. This malware is used to get spread through spam emails with various document-based attachments. Moreover, such attachments are considered malicious macros which can easily steal confidential information.
  • Petya: It appeared in the year 2016 and had a major influence on global businesses. This generally used to be spread via phishing emails, and remote desktop protocol (RDP) attacks.
  • SamSam: This particularly appeared in the year 2015, which primarily targeted educational institutions, healthcare organisations and government agencies.

How do ransomware attacks work?

Ransomware attack follows a specific path to affect an individual or an organisation through which confidential information might be stolen.

  • Stage 1: Developing Ransomware Attack: In this stage, attackers set ransomware to infiltrate in your computer system.
  • Stage 2: Infiltration: In this stage, ransomware will infiltrate your system to making it more complicated to use.
  • Stage 3: Attacker activation: In this stage, cybercriminals start to work actively to make attacks and to steal confidential information.
  • Stage 4: Hold data hostage through encryption: At this stage, malware will hold data hostage via encryption. That may affect the privacy of an individual causing a data breach.
  • Stage 5: Ransom Request: In this stage, you will become a victim wherein, your data might be at risk.
  • Stage 6: Recovery: At this stage, you need to implement an appropriate recovery plan to deal with the issue and get rid of malware from your system.
  • Stage 7: Clean up: In this stage, you must conduct an autopsy to detect the effectiveness and location of malware, through which it will be removed permanently from your system by making it reusable.

Steps to remove It

In order to remove ransomware from your device or system below mentioned steps can be implemented.

  • Identification of the strain of ransomware: It is quite important to understand the strain of ransomware before implementing any specific removal methods. It can be commenced by using antivirus software websites or cybersecurity forums, that will help in detecting the type of ransomware that is present in your system.
  • Using antivirus software: You need to fully scan your system using antivirus software to remove the malware. If the anti-virus software fails to remove the malware then it is necessary to implement a specific removal approach that is effective for a specific strain of ransomware.
  • Removing ransomware manually: If even after implementing anti-virus software malware is still present in your device then you need to remove it manually. In such cases, it is quite important to use a command prompt or to edit the registry. This will help in protecting your device from getting further damage.

Therefore, it has been acquired that the influence of ransomware on an individual or a business entity is quite effective and can create a data breach by causing enormous harm. However, it can be removed by using appropriate software or applying manual processes that will help protect devices which are affected. Thus, Essential Infosec being an information security consulting firm will help you to implement appropriate methods to remove ransomware. Thereby, you will get an opportunity to protect your confidential data from cyber attackers.

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