Tag: Data Privacy

How vCISO Service Can Strengthen Your Cybersecurity Posture

In the evolving environment of cyber threats organisations of different sizes need to develop a robust security protocol to protect their infrastructure and sensitive information. The implementation of a full-time Chief Information Security Officer can be difficult for small and medium-sized companies because of its lack of cost-effectiveness. In this situation, a virtual Chief Information

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Conducting a Thorough System and Cyber Audit: A Checklist

It has been found that in the current business world, the rate of cybercrime is increasing rapidly. Therefore, it is quite important to conduct system and cyber audits within a business organisation. It detects potential risks and mitigate them in the first place. Avoiding such circumstances can originally lead to a major issue. It can

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Navigating the Complexities of DPDP Compliance

In the current data-driven world, most organizations and individuals have focused on safeguarding their personal information. In relation to data privacy, the DPDP (The Digital Personal Data Protection) Act has been introduced in multiple countries. It aims to ensure responsible data collection for the users. Essential Infosec understands the value of safeguarding personal information in

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Ways to Perform a Security Audit for Your Business

A security audit is considered as an important aspect of a business organization as it helps in identifying potential threats. In the world of cyber security issues and cyber crimes, business organizations should focus on performing regular security or state to ensure the safety of the brand. However, to perform a security audit business organizations

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GDPR and CCPA: Navigating Data Privacy Regulations

In the recent data-driven world the security of personal information and databases has become one of the most potential concerns for individuals and businesses. In this context, two primary data privacy regulations have got much attention from the market because of their potential to ensure data privacy. It includes CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) for

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How can Cloud Security Prevent Exposure of Credentials via File Sharing App?

As the electronic market keeps developing the cloud finally turns to be a central intermediary in our everyday activities to store, exchange and cooperate. Nevertheless, these applications have several built-in weaknesses of their own, such as the risk for divulgence of personal information when sharing files. This article will take us to cloud security, the

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Exploring Various VAPT Services

Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) services turn very important in the protection of businesses from cyberfaces. By the way of their vulnerability of the systems and networks, organization can make some preventive measures to increase their security level of the information resources. The range of VAPT services provided by EIS begins with a customized

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Make use of the potential VAPT verification.

Due to the fast-paced, digital world we live in, cyber-threats are a strong, lingering fear for both users and business owners alike. This is the arena where VAPT certification finds its place giving the test-takers a chance of detecting, preventing and dealing with any security risks that may await them to be used for their

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Why is source code review important?

In the world of making software, imagining building a house without checking the plans is “risky”, right? That’s where looking at source code comes in, acting as the careful inspector for your digital creations.  1. Finding Bugs and Mistakes: Looking at source code is like a magnifying glass for developers. By carefully going through the

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What is VAPT Certification?

VAPT stands for Vulnerability Testing and Hacking Practice. It is a way to find and fix security holes in computer systems, networks and apps. Getting certified in VAPT shows that you know how to look and fix these cyber security problems. Why is VAPT Important? For security reasons VAPT important here are some reason why:-

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