The impact of Security breaches: A remarkable case study of AT&T in 2020

In today’s fast-paced digital age security breaches have become the most potential threat for individuals and businesses. This thread has arisen from the rapid development of digital technologies that have supported cyber criminals by offering more sophisticated tools for breaching individual databases. The incident of AT&T has highlighted the importance of understanding the concept of security breaches. Multicom beliefs that are strongly focused on individual awareness can significantly reduce the effectiveness of security breaches. This blog will help you to understand the potential impact of security breaches that can interrupt your daily life by considering the incident of AT&T in 2020.

What are security breaches?

  • Security breaches define attacks due to the unauthorised access of potential information, applications and computer networks.
  • It can result in data theft and manipulation of the information that can damage the reputation of an organisation.
  • The security breaches include Malware attacks, Ransomware, Phishing Attacks, Man-in-the-middle attacks and SQL injection.

What does AT&T face due to security breaches?

An incident of security breaches has taken place in the history of AT&T in 2022. Due to this incident. AT&T has lost most of the databases of its cellular customers and the consumers engaged with the mobile virtual network. These consumers use the wireless network of AT&T and its landline by interacting with the cellular numbers. As per the investigation, it has been identified that the compromised data involves all the files associated with the call records and messages between the phases of 1st May of 2022 and 31st October. AT&T has told the media that they had over 100 million consumers across the United States of America and nearly 2.5 billion business accounts.

On Friday of the current year, the CEO of the organisation revealed that they have launched a comprehensive investigation. By collaborating with cyber security experts. This strategy will support the organisation in measuring the scope and the nature of these types of criminal activities. The CEO further said that the attackers not only breached the text messages or phone calls but also included the personal information of the consumers. Date of birth, personality identifiable information and security numbers have been breached throughout this incident. Apart from that, the breach databases also included the time span of the text messages and the phone calls which has interrupted the right to privacy of its consumers.

The incident of AT&T has highlighted the potential impact of security breaches that can interrupt the operations of business organisations and individual’s daily lifestyles at the same time. Essential Infosec suggests you that implement robust security measures in your mobile devices and computer networks. Also, it is important to use a step authentication system to add an extra layer of security to your privacy. We as a cyber security organisation are committed to creating awareness among society and protecting our key people from incidents of security breaches.

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