What are the Top 10 Cyber Security Threats in 2024 (Fact)

Cyber Security Threats

Cyber crime is considered as the most crucial rising risk which creates a harsh impact on businesses operating in the modern era of 2024. Moreover, cybercriminals associated with such crimes do not discriminate while conducting any illegal violence. It is often noticed that large organizations an encountered cyber crime but small businesses are also not on the list. Due to a lack of cyber security small businesses counter huge cyber risks which affect their businesses on a large scale. Essential InfoSec as an information security consulting firm will help in exploring the top 10 cyber security threats which gained huge popularity in recent years.

Top 10 cyber security threats

  1. Insider Threats: It mainly occurs when an individual associated with the organization is referred to as the main cybercriminal commencing different illegal activities. These types of threats are usually hard to identify or define because of their lack of evidence. Thus, it can create a harsh impact on business as well as individual operations associated with the company.
  2. State-Sponsored Attacks: It is considered to be one of the most dangerous types of cyber security threats. Wherein, nations are perpetrated against other organizations or domains. It has been popular in recent years because of the direct impact of rising war across the globe. Therefore, it can affect an individual by stealing information and using it for self-benefit.
  3. Ransomware: It is a dangerous type of cyber attack which is often considered by cybercriminals . It harms systems which consist of the most important and confidential data of an individual. Thus, it can act as a threatening property for an individual. In recent times, the rate of ransomware issues has increased on a large scale. It is affecting a large group of individuals as well.
  4. Trojan Horses: It is equally effective enough to steal information about an individual for threatening them. In general cyber attackers influence individuals to download or install Trojan Horses which are full of viruses. Therefore, hackers can easily hack the information of an individual. That can create a negative influence in their lives.
  5. DNS tunneling: Domain name system (DNS) is one of the most important protocols of the Internet. It helps in translating website domain names into IP addresses. However, because of its easy implementation and accessibility a curse can easily be used for stealing information of different users and making it use for self-benefit.
  6. Social engineering: It is considered to be one of the most dangerous types of hacking techniques implemented by cybercriminals for conducting data breaches. It primarily relies on human error rather than technical vulnerabilities. Because of its influence, humans were easily tricked and risked their personal information. It was also used to steal employees’ data and information to threaten them. Some common types of social engineering include phishing, whaling and others.
  7. Cloud vulnerabilities: It is one of the most secure types of methods used by individuals for protecting data and information. However, because of one small configuration mistake, can create opportunities for cyber attackers to attack and steal information and use them for self benefits.
  8. Internet of Things: It has been found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of people started using internet of things related devices. Thus, it has created opportunities for cyber attacks to easily access information and use it for self-purpose.
  9. Configuration mistakes: It has been observed that, in 2023, one of the largest companies namely Comsys encountered a data security issue because of misconfiguration which affected over 8000 servers. Because of configuration mistakes cyber attackers get an opportunity to steal information of every individual easily and use them for their self benefit. Thus, it has also been one of the strong cyber security threats to date.
  10. AI-enhanced cyber attacks: It is one of the most important technologies. That has helped different industries in managerial purposes. However, it can be easily hacked by cybercriminals for stealing confidential information and using it for their benefit. In recent times cyber security issues related to artificial intelligence have enhanced a lot. It is causing negative impacts on operating in the global marketplace.

Considering the findings obtained from the overall section it is observed that cyber security threats which have affected modern business have created an enormous impact on business performance. Therefore, to deal with such issues in the future context businesses should follow the path shown by Essential Infosec. That will help in mitigating issues to which great results can be accomplished by businesses.

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